Have you ever gave it that thought why do we love Apple products and especially iPhones so much? I know that a million of reasons are flooded in your brain this time and you are all set to fill the comment section with the best reason you got and hence having an iPhone in hand this time.
Yes, the built quality is great, sleek and smart presence is undoubtedly a clear winner and not to forget the beast performance still unbeatable by other brands. But you know what? I have a different reason for now.
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iMessage! Exactly you read it right. Apple’s homegrown message software iMessage is my reason to award the iPhones to stand out from others. Now you would be confused about BlackBerry, they had their own version of personal messaging named BBM.
BBM was once very famous between the mobile users but the complexity of using the app made it stay out of the trend quite soon. It was mandatory to put a pin to use this BBM service, and every BBM user had a unique pin hence to ping someone, you will have to ask them their unique pin.
While Apple’s i-message has always been quite simple to use. It automatically detects if the person you are texting is using an iPhone too, the operating system changes the text into an i-message. This saves a few pennies for us and also it feels good to have a separate style of the message with new emojis all together. Fun yet convenient, right?
Possible Issues With Their Solutions.

There are multiple reasons and their multiple solutions to issues like this on the iPhone. It is recommended to put try the solutions in the same pattern they are written in. However, you can change the order or may resolve your issue according to your own intellect.
Please go through the section down below and resolve your issue.
#1 Possible Reason
The first reason for not receiving texts from an android phone is, maybe the number/contact belonging to that android phone is blocked from your iPhone system end.
This happens many times, people unintentionally block their friend’s contact and later complained that they are not receiving a text message from that particular friend and point a finger towards the phone is an android operating system based device.
The rivalry is between the apple fans & android fans, not between the brands. In fact, very few people know that touch panel for each and every iPhone is manufactured by Samsung, the android giant.
To solve this issue, simply just unblock the number which was unable to send you text messages. Follow the steps.
Step 1: Open the Contacts option in Phone.
Step 2: Find and touch the number you are unable to receive texts from.
Step 3: Scroll down to the end of the window and touch on Unblock The Contact.
Step 4: Click OK and now ask your contact to resend you the text message. Now you will receive the text message without failing.
#2 Possible Reason
There may be some chances that a minor glitch has come between the exchange of text messages and the apply id encryption. As we know that the iPhones and particularly iOS are designed to perform tasks under the strict surveillance of apple id, for your own benefit of security.
Sometimes, this encryption turns into a headache not only for us but for services like i-messaging or text messaging.
To remove this unexpected glitch from your iPhone is simple, just disconnect the link between the apple id and messaging software. Yes, there is an option to do this too without affecting the performance or security of the phone. To do so, read and follow the steps written down below.
Step 1: Launch Settings from the home screen.
Step 2: Scroll down and enter into the Messages option.
Step 3: Make sure that the i-message toggle is ON. If not then turn it on.
Step 4: Scroll down and find for Send and Receive. Touch and open it.
Step 5: Select the written apple id of yours.
Step 6: Click on the Sign Out option.
(You will be getting signed out from the messaging service only and not from the phone, you can still perform your normal text message operations as usual.)
#3 Possible Reason
This is the most common reason among people who switch their phone from iPhone to an android one. They forget to switch off the i-message service before leaving their iPhone.
So, whenever they try to send a text message to someone who is having an iPhone, the sim detects it and make it fall in the category for i-message and not in the form of a text message. As the sim is registered on the apple id with enabled I-messaging feature.
To solve this issue, there are two ways. The first one should be used by those who still have an iPhone with them & similarly the second way should be taken in action by the people with no iPhone with them.

- Fix 1 (with iPhone)
Step 1: Put the sim inside an iPhone and turn it on.
Step 2: Launch the Settings on the iPhone.
Step 3: Scroll down and touch on the Messages option.
Step 4: Turn off the i-message toggle by sliding it to the left.
Step 5: Get back to the home screen. Press and hold the power button and switch your sim again to your android phone. Your problem is resolved now.
- Fix 2 (without iPhone)
Step 1: Open browser on your android phone.
Step 2: Write down the URL https://selfsolve.apple.com/deregister-imessage/ and click the search button.
Step 3: Scroll down and enter your Country & phone number in the required fields.
Step 4: Click on the Generate Code tab.
Step 5: A text message will be sent to you by apple consisting the code.
Step 6: Enter that code in the browser page and click on the Submit button.
Step 7: Now you are unregistered from the I-message services and free to send text messages successfully to whoever you want.
I hope I could address all your queries and now you can easily resolve the Why My iPhone Is Not Receiving Text Messages From Android Phones issue. If you have any further doubts, you can visit or contact your service provider or you may leave a comment below. Also, please leave a like on the content if it was helpful. And do tell me about your experience in fixing this issue, in the comment box.